Can I see a raise of hands for how many of you out there struggle with getting yourself, your clan, and all of the proper accouterments for caring for them, out the door every day? Jeez! Do you ever long for the days or reminisce about the times when you could walk out of the door without a care in world, simply grabbing the keys and some chapstick? With kids you have to plan to start to get ready to walk out of the door about 15 minutes before you actually do so that you have time to check and stock the diaper bag with extra diapers, wipes, change of clothes, snacks, water, not to mention getting everybody clothed, empty-bladdered, shod, fed, tear-free, and strapped into their carseats!
So, inspired by an old post of David's about "What's in Your Bag?", I thought I would share with you a little about what I tote around when I "run out" (Is that even possible anymore? Every outing is like preparing for a mission to Mars! Complete with physchological screening and all.).
Now, it is hard to always have everything on hand that you might need as you're running around with your munchkins, but these are the things I usually try to keep with give or take a thing or two...

First, I like to be equipped with a nice bag. With my first kid, Elliott, I thought, "Who wants an ugly old diaper bag? I'm only 20 years old! Plus, what's the difference between that and a regular old bag besides the fact that diaper bags are ugly?"
Well, there is a difference, believe me. After using both diaper bags and non-diaper bags to tote all that baby stuff around, I have become a firm believer in the diaper bag. Its nice to have those little pockets that are water proof for storing sippy cups and what not. It's also nice to have that little changing pad thing that comes with them. Little pockets and slots for diapers and changing pads make life more organized. And, most importantly, they now make diaper bags that are disguised as normal purses. (Thank you, oversize bag fad.)
I love my diaper bag which is a storksak (and just happens to be on sale right now!). Its nice to at least feel like you don't look like a complete idiot while toting a 50 pound bag on one arm and a baby on the other. People actually tell me how much they love my purse, only to get super embarrassed--I'm not sure why--when I tell them that it is actually a diaper bag, but thank you very much, I like it, too! It has the bottle pockets zipped into the sides, the changing pad and a nifty little leather cord to clip my keys onto so that I don't have to dig around in the bag searching for my keys while my kids are screaming about how hot and hungry they are... and pockets--lots of pockets... And did I mention that its pretty?
Okay, so what do I bring with me?
1. diapers (About 3 in my bag and a few extras I like to keep in the car.)
2. wipes (Lansinoh Clean and Condition Cloths, my absolute favorite and only kind of wipes that I buy. Super for sensitive skin and breast fed babies.)
3. Bebe au Lait nursing cover (One of the best inventions for moms who breast feed! A must have.)
4. extra change of clothes for baby
5. sun screen
6. sun hat
7. extra pacifier or at least one
8. some sort of snack/finger food (like Gerber Puffs, but I'm looking for a better, healthier alternative)
9. substantial food (cereal, veggie, fruit, whatever meal might be coming up during the outing)
10. wallet (Marc Jacobs wallet which is nice because its cute and small or the good old Hobo clutch wallet for full coverage.)
11. iPhone (Invaluable! With maps; videos for entertaining, say, a rowdy toddler during a doctor's visit; email, for checking if any of you commented on my blog; camera, for taking pictures to post to my blog...)
12. chapstick, lipgloss, or both (I like my Lorac Amethyst lipgloss and Burt's Bees is always a good chapstick choice)
13. checkbook (Credit Unions are the way to go!)
14. pen (I love the Varsity pen. The calligraphy style tip makes me feel cool when I whip it out.)
15. notebook for lists (I love lists! and I love a good Moleskine notebook, my favorite!)
So, how did I do? Did I leave anything out? What do you find invaluable in your missions abroad? Now I know you're probably not going to tell me, but a girl can hope, right?
12. chapstick, lipgloss, or both (I like my Lorac Amethyst lipgloss and Burt's Bees is always a good chapstick choice)
13. checkbook (Credit Unions are the way to go!)
14. pen (I love the Varsity pen. The calligraphy style tip makes me feel cool when I whip it out.)
15. notebook for lists (I love lists! and I love a good Moleskine notebook, my favorite!)
So, how did I do? Did I leave anything out? What do you find invaluable in your missions abroad? Now I know you're probably not going to tell me, but a girl can hope, right?
Dang, you've got some pricey items in that bag...if i ever decide to become a purse snather, i'll know where to go.
Thanks for suggesting number 3 on your list...it has been a life saver. I cannot go anywhere without it.
Lovely bag.
So check it. Sign up for Amazon Affiliates. Then when you link to a product, find it on Amazon, add &tag=yourtag-20 to the end of the URL, then use that link. You get 4% or so if someone buys it (or anything else on Amazon in the next 24 hours) after clicking your link. All of a sudden yer makin money online, shazam.
thanks, ben. i'll have to check that out...
you totally stole my word. the one dave never really thought was real- accouterments
yes, allison. i have to admit that you are responsible for adding that word to my repertoire all those years ago...
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