Saturday, August 14, 2010

Carpinteria--Take 512.

We weren't going to go this year, but after all the sickness lately, we decided it might be a good idea to take part in the annual tradition of beach camping with David's side of the family. 

Carpinteria is to my kids what Disneyland is for most children.  Pretty much anyone who knows my kids has heard of "Carpinteria" more times than they can count, even if they have no idea who, what, or where this fabled "Carpinteria" is.  It happens to be the tiniest of tiny beach towns (only 2 stoplights in the whole town, I think) right off the 101 near Santa Barbara.

Sadly, we have to leave David at home. He has to be all responsible and stuff.  We'll be making the seven hour drive down early Sunday morning.

So, we're off! You probably won't find us here in this space for a good week or so. 

We'll be leaving this:

{This was photographed just 2 weeks ago}
And this:

For this:

And this:

Be back soon! x's and o's,


Dustin said...

who took these.. are you serious, these are amazing, the second one of the fields reminds me of home... thank u. . .

Magdalene Barbara said...

I'm going to try and come up some time this week. Hope I get to see you!