Home is:
1) "Where the heart is"
2) Where we feel free to dump out the whole bucket of train tracks and build a giant track
3) Where I can cook and eat a meal at home
4) Where the vegetables are
5) Where I can sleep the best--in my own bed
6) Where my hubby is
7) Where there is no maid service
8) Where the coffee is good
9) Where I can post a decent blog post
10) Where we crack the whip on discipline
11) Where Caiden isn't allowed to get by on candy alone
12) Where the rain is welcome
13) Where my peeps are
14) Where I don't smell like campfire
15) Where I can buckle my youngest in the highchair and eat a meal in peace...of mind
16) Where there are no soda, chips, candy, icecream, s'mores, and the like
17) Where my mom and dad and brothers and sisters are not (boo)
We're back from a stay at Point Arena (otherwise known as "smack dab in the middle of nowhere") where the kids and I stayed with my mom, step-dad, and two of my brothers at a timeshare. We did way too much driving along sickeningly winding roads, but it was a great time to reconnect with my family. It also gave Elliott a good chance to get to know these people who are such a big part of me...

Photos from my iPhone

1) "Where the heart is"
2) Where we feel free to dump out the whole bucket of train tracks and build a giant track
3) Where I can cook and eat a meal at home
4) Where the vegetables are
5) Where I can sleep the best--in my own bed
6) Where my hubby is
7) Where there is no maid service
8) Where the coffee is good
9) Where I can post a decent blog post
10) Where we crack the whip on discipline
11) Where Caiden isn't allowed to get by on candy alone
12) Where the rain is welcome
13) Where my peeps are
14) Where I don't smell like campfire
15) Where I can buckle my youngest in the highchair and eat a meal in peace...of mind
16) Where there are no soda, chips, candy, icecream, s'mores, and the like
17) Where my mom and dad and brothers and sisters are not (boo)
We're back from a stay at Point Arena (otherwise known as "smack dab in the middle of nowhere") where the kids and I stayed with my mom, step-dad, and two of my brothers at a timeshare. We did way too much driving along sickeningly winding roads, but it was a great time to reconnect with my family. It also gave Elliott a good chance to get to know these people who are such a big part of me...
Photos from my iPhone
We had fun... Thanks, Mom!
After the week at the beach (see the six previous posts) with David's family and the week in the boonies with my family, I'm so so so happy to be home. Have a great week, everyone!
After the week at the beach (see the six previous posts) with David's family and the week in the boonies with my family, I'm so so so happy to be home. Have a great week, everyone!

You look so pretty Cryn, I love to see pics of you. I'm glad you guys are back home, I need good coffee (no Folgers does not cut it), most people do not really understand that :) I'm glad you had fun with the family...I love the pics.
Well, we are glad you are back. Enjoy your home and your hubby.
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