My iPhone will only let me blog one photo per post, which is
excruciating because I have a few of these tea party shots worth
sharing and I had the hardest time deciding which to show you...
Maybe it's trying to stretch me-- both in photography composition and
We have a tea party every beach trip on one of the afternoons that
we're there. We send the boys to the candy store and get our party
on. Always with china and little finger foods, cookies, and fruit,
pretty table cloths and serving platters. This year caiden got to
participate along with Olivia, Elliott's little pal. Did I mention
that there's a whole group of friends who camp in Carpinteria, too?
It's like a big party.
I can't wait to have little tea parties of my own with the little
munch! She's so cute! And she loved her vanilla tea (with plenty of
cream and sugar). I'm planning on having some beautiful sunny
mornings sipping tea at the breakfast table with her soon. Oh, the
things we will do together... Don't ya just want to give her a little
squeeze? I'll give her one for you, cuz I know you do!